domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Happy with my new babies

I'm grandma

My baby Locky had three beautiful babies last Friday, this some pictures about them

This is my favorite

This is the one girl

 My baby with his baby lol

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012


You may know this time the zoos and aquariums of different departments, enjoy the greatest biodiversity in Latin America in the fauna. In several of the zoos assists animals in danger of extinction, for rehabilitation and retraining to their natural environment.

Colombian Amazon Wildlife Part 2

Video made ​​in September 2008 on the reservation Blood of Christ in the heart of what was the demilitarized zone in the department of Caquetá Colombia.

Colombian Amazon Wildlife Part 1

This is a summary showing some of the animals in the area Caguan puiedemonte Colombian Amazon, video made by producctor, songwriter and guitarist Diego Giraldo and wildlife photographer Andres Carmona.



 Although this video is not about Colombia, its message is very beautiful landscapes as shown


Wildlife Sanctuary Island Corota 

The Flora and Fauna Sanctuary Corota Island is the smallest protected area of the National Park System in Colombia. The Sanctuary protects the ecosystem of the small island of La Corota, located in the middle of Laguna de la Cocha, one of the largest lakes in the country.

Corota Island view
  Laguna de la Cocha
The protected area consists of a small island of just 12 hectares, which is located north of the Laguna de la Cocha. The park also protects about 4 acres of totora (reed) that surround the island. It was created to preserve a beautiful and unique rainforest cold floor covering The Corota.
Quillasinga Aborigines inhabited the lake region approximately 500 years ago. At that time about 600 Indians lived around a Dominican mission, near the present town of Encano. Today still have great respect for the island, as they consider a sacred site for their culture.

Currently the area is dedicated to agriculture and tourism. On the island there are no inhabitants, except for those of the Parks Unit.